Wednesday, October 3, 2012

My Ballet Adventure

After seeing Abby in ballet, and loving it so deeply, and then running into my best friend  and an opportunity to do an adult ballet class with her, I decided to venture out and try something I've always wanted to try.
So, I took the plunge, signed up, ordered the shoes (I didn't even think ballet slippers came in my ginormous size!), leotard, and tights and started stretching at home (I will NOT be that person in class that can't touch her toes!) and with a deep feeling of giddy meets nerves, I went to my first class.
Well I didn't die. I am still here, but it was totally not what I expected. The only ballet class I've ever seen was Abby's where a bunch of four year old cuties are learning each position, stretching, and then galloping accross the floor on their tiptoes. Sometimes there would be some barre work, but it was just pointing your toes this way or kicking a leg that way. How hard could that be, right? A lot harder than I thought it would be and I felt AMAZING afterward. I don't know what I expect to get out of this class. At first I was just doing it because I was suckered into the classic "I'll do it if you do it". I figured it would be a great way to get some exercise, gain and maintain some flexibility, and honestly, I've always wanted to try it. It's so beautiful and graceful and effortless (looking...LOOKING!). Abby seems to enjoy it so much and I watch her little class and think "why not? I could do that!"
That is where the "not what I expected" came in. I thought we'd be doing some simple stretches, a little bit of barre work...learn first and second MAYBE even third or fourth positions...
OH MY GOODNESS! we went straight to the barre, did some crazy bending and movements I didn't even know I could do, bend here, toes that way, butt tucked, pull from your tummy, use this muscle not that one, remember to keep your head high, arm out this way when your foot is like this, that way when it's like brain nearly exploaded about half way through from the terminology alone!
There was a couple of exercises where the footwork had me all tangled up and I just hid behind the instructor and shuffled in the general direction she was going, hoping she wasn't watching my feet.  Then we twirrled and spun across the room, where I forgot to spot and nearly flung myself into the big wall mirror. Yikes! the second time across wasn't so bad because I actually remembered to spot!
We leaped and jumped and finally finished off with a slow and steady "follow the leader" type thing.
I survived. I felt AMAZING and I couldn't wait for the next class. The hour goes by fast. I did not want to leave yet!
My second class was a lot of the same barre work. I knew what to expect, so the terminology didn't cause nearly as much brain damage as the first time going through it.Tthere were a few new moves that were just awesome. stretching in this way was so great for my mind and body. Challenging? absolutely! but in a good way! I was able to focus a little more on my form, keeping my arms and head up correctly and LEGS STRAIGHT! We got to the floor stuff where we did the same step combo that had my legs all in knots the first time, but when I relaxed and just did it, I actually DID it! a couple of times! correctly! We did our spins where I learned how to spot a little bit more accurately so I was able to avoid the mirror and get across the room without feeling like an out of control tornado sweeping through the room.
Next we did another spin step hop thing that nearly broke my brain. It was by far the most challenging part of the night. Step backward one step, turn step, hop turn, land on opposite foot with other leg out straight behind you...WHAT?  I had to watch it several times and begin again and again before I almost got it right. I got across the room without any major injuries and then heard "okay, again with the left foot this time, but lets do two people at a time because we're nearing the end of class" So I partnered up with Tanya (my sweet BFF) and while the first leap twist thing was a success, we almost hopped right into each other!
I can't wait to see what this next week brings us. I am going to practice that leap-turn-hopper-thing (this is my terminology...clearly) and hopefully be able to do it for our next class...if we do it again. :)

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