Friday, October 19, 2012

Mischief Fairy Strikes!!!

I'm pretty sure there's a Mischief Fairy. I imagine it being a little orange guy with a big pouch of special mischief pixie dust. He comes during nap time, quiet time, or really any time you are not in the room or have your eyes on your children. He whispers ideas in your little ones innocent little ears, while sprinkling said dust over their little hands. He's so quick in stealthy about it that even your little ones don't know how they got the idea to do what they've done. So when you ask, "What were you thinking??" and they answer "I don't know!"  They are right! because this little devil fairy planted the stinking idea into their little heads with their magic dust!!!
Where did I come up with this you might ask??
It wasn't until yesterday, when I discovered Max in the living room, naked from the waste down, covered in diaper cream. But it doesn't end there! OH NO!! He ventured into my bedroom where he found all kinds of treasures! Like my lotion, Adam's deoderant, a vicks vapor fan, a big jug of little orange bb's for the air soft guns. We found all of these "treasures" in his room on his bed. thankfully the bb's container was closed tight enough that he couldn't sprinkle his room with them. the deoderant was picked clean leaving his bed smelling very strong of Old Spice. You can imagine the disturbance in finding the bottle of lotion in his bed though. Thankfully he left little to no mess (that I've seen yet).
The fun didn't even stop there...oh no. The toothpaste exploded in the bathroom all over the sink too. By the time I discovered that...i just threw up my hands and said "of course. why not!"
How did he do so much without my knowing? Well, when it's  quiet upstairs at nap time,I assume it's because they are sleeping.

This morning, he had a little extra mischief left over. While I was upstairs listening to Abby read me a story, he got into a brand new set of Crayola paint. He emptied three whole containers into a paper plate.
So when I do write things on FB like,  "Dear mischief fairy, please don't pay us a visit anymore, I think you overdosed my son" just know that behind such posts there are usually little ornery boys getting into trouble, keeping me on my toes.

I love this little mischievous nut.


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