Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Children in Church

I don't know if this is something that happens in most churches, but it seems to be happening in ours and it hits a bit of a nerve.
Lets start with some minor but important facts...
Our church is made up of MOSTLY children. Most of the families have 3+ kids... there are a couple of families just starting out with only one or two kids, but for the most part we're a "go big or go home" kind of group when it comes to the size of our families.
What I love about our church is we all take care of each others really don't know who belongs to who until we're all getting into our cars/vans to go home...and even then sometimes their all mixed together! Lets just say we've made it a habit to double check our head count and  call our kids names. Yes that's right, we've nearly pulled out of the church parking lot a time or two with the right number of kids, but not the "right" ones...or with too many or not enough yes. we do roll call before we leave. It's a good thing.

What has been happening though is there is a tone or a perceived "feeling" that our children belong across the street in their own classes and just aren't welcome in "big church".
Every fifth Sunday a month (these don't happen very often), we have a "family service" where there is no childcare or childrens church. As a parent, I have a mix of feelings about it. On one hand, I love them going to their own classes, because then I can focus and enjoy my own (uninterrupted) time with God. On the other hand, it's only a few Sundays out of the year and I feel it is so vital for my children to see Adam and I worshiping together and just worshiping together in general as a family is so important to us. It teaches the kids what it means to worship and how to have a relationship with God. It gives them an opportunity to see their parents living out what they talk about at home.  I love this time together and actually do look forward to it.
Do these Family Services go cookie-cutter amazing every time? Absolutely not. Our last one was a bit of disaster to be honest. I don't know how it went down for other parents, but in our pew row we had tears over lollipops, tears from being embarrassed, sitting on the floor and crawling under the pews, children suddenly feeling independent and not wanting help with opening that crayon packet (when they clearly need the help) and even had one strip down naked. It was a "memorable experience".
Do I look back and see where we went so very wrong? Yes! I feel like as the parents of these crazy kids, it is our responsibility to keep the disruptions to and absolute minimum.
Here are a few things we need to kindly remind ourselves, both parents on non-parents alike:

For all of us:
1. Our children are part of the Body. Without them we are not complete! It's GOOD for us to unite as one complete body every once and a while.
2. Remember that story in Matthew (and Mark...and Luke), Jesus said "Let the children come to me..."  
3. They are children. They are not going to sit perfectly still and be unnoticed.
4. They aren't used to our "grown up" service. I mean really? We don't even get a snack!
5. This doesn't happen every Sunday...or MONTH for that matter!
6. They are our future leaders.

That being said, here are some other reminders for the parents:

1. Sit together. That's the point of the family service.
2. NO kids should be in the front two rows. The last time there were so many disruptions from kids sitting in the front row without their parents. (Kids under the age of 10)
3. Be prepared. If you know little Joey will sit better with a cup of water/juice and some animal crackers. or a notebook and crayons. have that kind of thing ready for him.
4. If it's just too much. It's OKAY! Feel free to excuse yourself with the kiddo. quietly/quickly exiting for a moment to console an upset kid, or go potty is less distracting than letting them just sit there and get louder about it. and speaking of loud...they aren't as loud as you think they are.
5. Have some grace. The people without kids don't fully understand what you're going through trying to keep your young ones quiet. It's okay. They shouldn't. Just do your best.

And we can't leave out the Non-Parents:

1. Sit up front. It's less distracting. You can focus on the message and you won't have little ones turning around saying "HI" a million times during the service.
2. If you chose not to sit toward the front, sit in the middle. leave the isle seats for the families for possible quick get aways.
3.Have some grace. You don't fully understand what the parents go through to keep their young ones content.
4. A lot of thought and effort goes into the planning of the service. We try very hard to reach all generations without being too juvenile about activities and song selection. Be open, don't expect deep soul poking, theological discussions...but don't under estimate what God can do through the simpler message either.
5. Greet them with love. Make them feel welcome!

It's not easy preparing for a family service. On one had we don't want to cater to the kids and water down the message too much, but on the other hand we do want to try to include them as well. The flow will be a little different and there might be some "get up and move" activities happening..but a little change, a little different, is good for us.
We are raising the next generation of Christians...How do you want to see them turn out? Think about the children that have been dedicated to the church, our commitment to help influence and raise them in a positive Christ-like, loving environment. Are we living that out by making them not feel welcome?

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