Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Boys At Dinner

I know I am not the only one in the world with boys, so I know that adventures at dinnertime isn't "new". But here's how dinnertime went tonight.
We were eating our family favorite of Fishsticks and Tator Tots (hey, only the best for my kiddos!). This rare delicacy was served with ice cold water.  As I sit there across the table from my sweet faced little men, I watch as Titus tries to stuff a tot in his mouth, that is already full of his bright red shirt, while dipping his hand in his water...I just sigh and look down...maybe if I look down at my plate I won't discover if he's fishing for ice or dipping something in his cup. meanwhile, Max is gulping down water with an ornory look in his eye. Abby happily chats and munches away next to me while the light conversation continues. Then I hear it start. Someone learned how to belch. I look over to see this wide eyed-"did you hear that" look on Max's face as he's finishing this belch. It reminded me of that scene in  ELF when Will Farrell drinks the 2 liter bottle of coke and then has this epic burp...well maybe not that bad, but the facial expressions were pretty close.
"Max, please don't burp on purpose at the table. It's rude"
"Okay, Mommaaa-aaauuuuurrrrp! ssskeewz me!" He grins his big undeniably cute face at me and burps again. "skewzme"
I glance over at Titus again and he's now stuffing all of his tots and fish in his shirt, like a pocket, completely in his own world. Then picks up his own cup of water and tries to immitate Max's burp. I see it in my near future. We will be having contests for sure. Belching, farting, see how many tots you can shove in your mouth at once, who can make their plate look the most disgusting...and then eat it.
I look at Adam...He just grins at me and says "well they are boys..."

Boys indeed.

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