Saturday, July 14, 2012

Growing Up Too Fast!

Today was Titus' 1st birthday. It's hard to believe that a year ago I was a post panicked mess laying on the living room floor, surrounded by 6 (very enthusiastic) EMTs/Firefighters. I was overwhelmed with emotions and  holding my new baby boy in my arms.
And then I blinked.
He's ONE! Trying to walk, talk and do his own thing like this big sister and brother. He has the funniest personality and is the toughest little guy I know!
 What happened? Oh right, I blinked.

Speaking of older siblings and independence, Abby is also getting into her own little independent grove. This last week she insisted on taking a shower, ALONE. The only time I was beckoned was for help with the shampoo. After I got it good and scrubbed into her scalp I got the "Okay, Mom., I just need some alone time" What?
She's also taking the initiative to do things on her own...little things, like making her bed, helping with laundry, cooking. She even steps in and helps with the boys. Way more than I have ever seen any 4 year old do! She really has a servants heart.

At least Max still needs me. Unless he's putting on the latest super hero costume and doing an evening patrol of the house, ridding us of all the 'bad guys' so we can sleep safely. I must stand clear and let him work. Don't let that big protective side of him fool you, he has a very tender heart and is by far the best snuggler ever.

 It is so neat to have them close enough in age to play together (and fight together). Yet they are far enough in age that they have clear needs and different amounts of independence. I'm not needed, but still needed. And blessed beyond words. 

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