Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Faith Through Fire, Even When It's Not Ours

Last week a fire broke out in Colorado Springs. It is actually still going, but before the firemen had it under control, it exploded and tripled in size within a 24 hour period. As of yesterday morning, the fire was 25% contained with over 17,000 acres burned. They, at one point, had to evacuate 30,000 people and have reported 2 deaths.
Now that you have kind of the back ground I can tell you what happened on our end of things. Seeing the town I was born in and raised for the first 10 years of my life being destroyed, and knowing I have a lot of family in that area, you can imagine the heartbreak as well as concern for the well being of those in that area.
Grammy, Aunts, Uncles and cousins in the midst of it all. It just broke my heart. (thankfully none of them lost their homes or were evacuated).
It was Abby's faith in God that really shined through in this situation. I showed her pictures on the computer and explained to her what was going on. I asked her if she would pray with me and without hesitation she bowed her head, closed her eyes and prayed earnestly for rain to come put out the fire.
It was very moving for me. She really cared (even if it was only for a minute) and after I had my turn to pray, she hugged me and went on playing. Shortly after this I called my Grammy to check on her, see how close to the fire she is and to make sure she is safe...I shared with her that Abby prayed for rain. Gram was touched and said she'd keep us updated. That afternoon I get a call "Let Abby know it's raining! God answered her prayers!"
When I shared the update with Abby, she lit up and had this "I knew He'd help!" look on her sweet little face.
She continued to pray that evening at bedtime. She thanked God for the rain and asked for more and to keep everyone safe.
A couple of days later, Gram called me again in tears. "I want you to know that a friend of mine was evacuated and when they were allowed to go back to check on their house again the fire burnt up their back yard all the way up to the deck, and then just stopped! Their house is safe!" She went on to talk about how glad she was that we prayed and that sharing with her friends that her great grand baby was praying really gave people hope. I of course passed on the message to Abby who again, lit up and was so joyful that God saved the houses and never doubted that God would help these people.
It's faith like that that we are supposed to have. What a blessing to have it clearly modeled in my home every day. She knows God is there and can help and will help. No doubts, no questions, she just knows. I love it. I love her. I love God for giving me her.

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