Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A Little Goes A Long Way

In the last few months, Max has really come out of his shell. His sense of exploration and all out mischief has taken over the timid, overly cautious boy I knew just a year ago. He was never the one (as a baby) to worry if it got quiet because that is just how he was. If it was quiet, I didn't go running looking for him because he was always content to play on his own and stay out of trouble.
I don't know if it is that he has gotten a little older and "wiser" or maybe the mischief has just caught up with my little cautious one, but wow! when he does it, he does it all the way. He is smart about it too! He waits for the times when I expect it to be quiet. Nap time.
The first act of nap time mischief was when he quietly found himself in the hallway getting into a box of "things to be put away" and found some anti-itch cream, egg dying kit, and cotton balls. Thankfully he didn't do anything with the dye, but the stickers were fun and the cream felt nice on his cheeks, and what would it be without a pretty cloud of fluffy white while exploring this box?
The second act, again at nap time, was when he came down stairs with lotion all over his body. He was very smooth and soft that day. This is when he discovered he could climb on top of his trash can and access the treasures on top of the changing table.
Then there was the time he came down powdery white from the baby powder. This was the day he started goin all in with his messes. If we're gonna dump the's going to be ALL of the powder!! His room was a beautiful winter wonderland! and smelled like a fresh baby's toosh for about a week! This is also when Titus started getting involved in the shenanigans.
 The latest and greatest and the tip of the iceberg for finally deciding to take all of these items OUT of his room, was just yesterday. I was having a bit  of a battle with the kids anyway in cleaning. I would clean a spot, turn around and something else would be dumped out. I'd get them all settled with their lunch, turn to grab mine off the counter and find mac n cheese thrown on the floor (Titus). I'd had about enough, and was all to grateful for that nap time break where I could finally get some work done uninterrupted and without three little tornadoes following me and immediately undoing what I've just done. The only problem was that  they were not sleeping up there. there was crying, playing,  stalling, and about the time they quieted down I sighed relief thinking "finally they gave up"
If only.
About an hour after the quiet happened, Max graces us with his presence and was unusually shiny, and smelling faintly of lavender. Upon further investigation he had gotten into a 13oz container of Vaseline. I open his bedroom door and see the greasy head of his accomplice pop over the rail of his crib. It was like discovering a murder scene with the smeared hand prints on the walls, sheets, windows and finally the fine thick gooey smudge on he floor.
This product of shenanigan-ism took me an hour to clean up. The more I looked, the more I found. As for the boys, I'm sure they are plotting their next act.  

(sorry for the poor pic quality and the foot)

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