Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Just Another Day Getting to Know More Emergency Medical People

I knew from the day Titus entered this world, that we were going to have some fun and get to know the local Fire Department and ER staff very well. Call it a gut feeling. After all, the first person he HAD to meet was a Fire Fighter.
What I didn't expect was for the fun to start so early. I mean come on we're not even a year old yet!
We spent the day at the hospital yesterday because Mr. Daredevil decided to launch himself into a back flip 3 feet off  the ground (from our bed) and into a perfect face plant the floor. Is this the first fall? Ha! NOT A CHANCE! But it is the first time we've lost consciousness. He cried immediately but as a delayed reaction, passed out. At first I was like, oh he must have been pretty tired...because he kind of snuggled into it. But after he was out for a few seconds I thought..."hold the phone! He did just do a face plant off the bed"  (insert serious concern here, and the big "duh").
I really struggle with "when to call 9-1-1". I feel like those calls are reserved for fires, shootings, car accidents, having babies unexpectedly at home...:) but really, my kid falling off the bed??? What would I do with the other two kids? I'd have to go to the hospital with Ti, and I don't think there's room for everyone in the ambulance, and really, is it that bad???
So I call Adam.
"So, Ti fell off the bed and now he's asleep on our bed..." (good lord writing that makes me realize how idiotic I must have sounded..."Yes, moron! wake him up!")
Adam very seriously says "Wake him up" (I know, you can say it..."Dur, Bec")
I sit him up...no response. I lay him down and poke him, open his eyes and shine a flashlight (he responded with that but not until after a few times of doing it, but wouldn't fully wake up) then I drive my knuckle into his chest...to which he finally gets the wiggles and starts giggling...I guess it tickled more than it hurt..either way the boy was responding and that's what I needed. By now, I have Max "helping" me by shining the flashlight in everyone's face and trying to wrestle Ti. Of course Ti rolls over and starts wrestling back and we're alert, happy, giggling,yelling, and just as rambunctious as ever...as if being in and out of consciousness (for almost 5 minutes) never happened.
I decide to call the doctor to see if there's anything I need to do. At this point he's totally acting normal again. I was put on hold a LOT by the nurses...they'd get some details, put on hold to discuss with the other nurse, more details, more on hold. Finally she comes back on after the third of fourth time of being on hold and says that she also discussed this with our doctor and we need to head to the ER right away.
I call Adam back and he decides to meet me there.
Three hours, a CT and physical exam later, we were in the clear to go home. He suffered a minor concussion, but the CT came back all clear. He is totally fine. PRAISE GOD!
I do fear that this is just the start of many many many trips to the ER. He just doesn't slow down, and heads straight for the most dangerous stuff! I feel like, with Ti being number 3 and all, that I should have a better handle on this. especially since he's not the first boy either. Nope. Max is totally different and my heart goes out to the Moms of several rambunctious, fearless boys. Hats off to you! Can I join your club!? I have a feeling I could learn a few things.

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