Tuesday, October 11, 2016

just some thoughts

We are gathering supplies to make bags of goods for the homeless. I love this idea. Especially with the cold weather approaching, I can't imagine living in the conditions some people do. I love the idea of helping in any way I can. I may not be able to completely change their circumstances but if I can make it a little bit easier for someone for a day or two, I am happy to help.
As much as I like the idea of helping Baltimore, I am also a firm believer in helping out in my own back yard. I met a homeless couple a few months ago, and had a nice chat with them. I haven't really seen them since, but I do know they are locals, and have been for a quite a few years. I think of them often. Did they get the food they needed? Were they warm last night? I know I woke up freezing this morning because we hadn't turned the heat on last night. Imagine how cold they were!
I also think of a young man Adam and I met last year on the streets of Baltimore. We took the time to buy him a meal, chat with him about his situation, and pray with him. Again, we parted ways and never heard from him again. He was coming up on a court date. He didn't share specifics but did share that the outcome of that meeting would determine his next steps in life. I often think of how it went and where he possibly is now. Is he still on the streets? did he get the help he was needing?
I feel like these acts of kindness speak volumes to people in need. That someone stopped for just a moment in their busy lives and took time to acknowledge them, smile at them, help them just a little bit. It matters. A lot. But what if we took it a step further? What if our goal was not to just perform a random act of kindness to someone in need, but to follow up with them? What if we took the time to chat about where they are in life right now, what their needs are, and take a step to connect them with someone who can help or put what they need in those bags we are collecting for. Or invite them to church? How neat would it be to see the face of someone you helped on Wednesday night at church on Sunday getting a cup of coffee a plate of bagel chips and sitting in the warmth of Gods loving family hearing the good news and being loved right where they are in life?  No judgement. Just love.

What if by showing them Gods love through sharing our stuff (bags) and sharing our "home" (church) with them, they get help physically and spiritually and other doors of opportunity could be opened for bigger changes in their lives. Changes God has been working toward making.

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