Monday, April 30, 2012

Ms Hannigan Strikes Again!

 Originally from 11-15-2011

So after having to discipline Abigail for one thing or another. You know that daily Naptime tantrum?  They couldn’t possibly get their rest without it. We were having one of those moments. After I was able to get her to calm down, take a few breaths, stop screaming, and FOCUS!...I explained to her, why she had to be disciplined. I really thought I was getting somewhere, she was looking at me in eye, face serious, focused on my words with an occasional nod. When I was through talking she replies in stone cold serious tone :
“I just have to call you Miss Panigan.”
(knowing she is referring to Ms. Hannigan from Annie) I say: “Okay. But why Ms. Hannigan?”
“Because  she is mean! And the bad guy.”  Tears welling up in her big blue eyes, she blinks them away.
“I’m sorry you feel that way about Mommy, but if that is what you need to do. That is okay. “
She looks at me and with a little tear…she calmly says , “Ms. Hannigan.”
I take a deep breath. Accepting my “insult” and walk out the door. As I shut it I hear:
 “And  I had to call you a blabber head too because you’re just mean!” and then she shoves her head in her pillow and covers her face.
She never said “Blabber head” out loud. Maybe she was just thinking it!?
And to that I just shut the door calmly and left her for her nap.  Shoulders sagging just a little bit.
Now normally I wouldn’t allow her to get away with calling me names or talking to me this way. But I decided to choose my battles. Not to mention that in this conversation, I got a few things.
She communicated with me…she told me how she was feeling and how she felt about me in the situation we were in.  It wasn’t very nice, but she was being honest and taking a risk with it. I wanted her to see that she can come to me with her emotions, her frustrations, and communicate them to me without fearing getting into trouble with what she has to say.  We kind of struggle with that already, “use your words…don’t just get frustrated and start screaming…talk to me” and she did.
She has self control…she really does, because she stayed calm through the whole conversation. She was trying very hard to control her emotions.   While her words weren’t exactly “nice” we can work on that later.
I think God has a great way of working through things too. I saw in myself, my own self control. And hearing her “name calling” and explaining to me why…I had a moment to reflect on how I really was talking to her and treating her. Yes I did the right thing with disciplining her and I wasn’t “sorry” for that, there is just some behavior that will not be tolerated, but I can look at other moments in the day where I might be a little hard on her, or overreacting to something that just isn’t necessary. Maybe sometimes I do look or sound like Ms Hannigan to her. At least she knows she can communicate that to me now.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

To Start

I've been wanting to start a blog. I don't know if it was more because "everyone else is doing it" or if it is just simply because I find peace in putting my thoughts into words. I used to write in a journal, but after having kids it seems impossible to find the time to just sit and write...and yet, here I am starting a blog. Hmmm. We'll see how this turns out.
I have actually been "blogging" for a while now. If you count opening up Word and typing some thoughts down, with the intention of actually creating some place to post for "all to read". What are my expectations from this? I don't know. I don't know that anyone will even care to follow me. But I figure this is a good way to document my life. What crazy mad things go on my home with three kids that have huge imaginations and personalities that just about match the amount of energy that seems to just pour out of their little bodies. 
I guess I should start with introducing the family...we have

Adam - Daddy Moreland- He really is the brains of this outfit and my true love. 

Becca (ME!)- Momma Moreland- Well, I'm the Mom, what more can I say.

Abigail - Big Sister -Princess, Ballerina, She lives to dance, and her style is one of a kind. This kid is FULL of spunk!

Maxwell - Big Brother- Super Heroes, Monster Trucks...This is an all around BOY!


Titus - Little Brother, Pest -really he just wants to be part of it all, really really bad. 

That is it for now. I say "for now" because we are so open to having more kids. I know, I know, you're probably thinking "Are you serious?" and yes. yes I am. I am leaving the number of kids we have up to God. He will be deciding when we are "done".

So that's the clan...every day is an adventure and so full of surprises, and I can't thank God enough for the madness that happens in our life.