"Rad", if you don't know, is BMX movie from the 80's. I had never heard of it until Adam and I got married and were combining our DVD collection and it happened to come up. I was then subject to an unpredictable movie night with the hubby. We'd had many of these in our dating days. The "You haven't seen that? really? we must watch it together!" some were big hits, others were "I can't believe you held me down and forced me to watch this". (for those of you in the dating phase of life... "holding down and forcing to stay" can very easily be mistaken for "snuggling")
Anyway, "Rad" is somewhere in between. It wasn't terrible, but it wasn't an instant all time favorite, must watch several times kind of movie either. Until we introduced it to the kids.
Needless to say, it has become an iconic movie in our house. From the product placement that started the Kix movement, to the motivational music that starts their little engines and gets them running, biking and playing "just like Crew!", even a few of Max's fashion statements!
All this to say, that Max was running his laps around the ottoman this morning belting out one of the racing songs Thunder in your Heart.
As any 3 year old would, he only had the first line stuck in his head which is supposed to be "Taking a chance, risking it all, for the thrill of the moment"
Max's version was "Taking a chance, risking it all....FEEL LIKE A MO-LAND!"
He was very serious about this song. It lasted about 15 minutes.
I love this kid.