"Rad", if you don't know, is BMX movie from the 80's. I had never heard of it until Adam and I got married and were combining our DVD collection and it happened to come up. I was then subject to an unpredictable movie night with the hubby. We'd had many of these in our dating days. The "You haven't seen that? really? we must watch it together!" some were big hits, others were "I can't believe you held me down and forced me to watch this". (for those of you in the dating phase of life... "holding down and forcing to stay" can very easily be mistaken for "snuggling")
Anyway, "Rad" is somewhere in between. It wasn't terrible, but it wasn't an instant all time favorite, must watch several times kind of movie either. Until we introduced it to the kids.
Needless to say, it has become an iconic movie in our house. From the product placement that started the Kix movement, to the motivational music that starts their little engines and gets them running, biking and playing "just like Crew!", even a few of Max's fashion statements!
All this to say, that Max was running his laps around the ottoman this morning belting out one of the racing songs Thunder in your Heart.
As any 3 year old would, he only had the first line stuck in his head which is supposed to be "Taking a chance, risking it all, for the thrill of the moment"
Max's version was "Taking a chance, risking it all....FEEL LIKE A MO-LAND!"
He was very serious about this song. It lasted about 15 minutes.
I love this kid.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Friday, October 19, 2012
The Blohms
I had the pleasure of capturing some tender moments with this sweet couple last weekend. They truly are an amazing story. This pregnancy is nothing short of a real miracle and their willing to allow me to document this huge moment in their lives was just awesome.
Here are some of my favorite shots:
Here are some of my favorite shots:
Mischief Fairy Strikes!!!
I'm pretty sure there's a Mischief Fairy. I imagine it being a little orange guy with a big pouch of special mischief pixie dust. He comes during nap time, quiet time, or really any time you are not in the room or have your eyes on your children. He whispers ideas in your little ones innocent little ears, while sprinkling said dust over their little hands. He's so quick in stealthy about it that even your little ones don't know how they got the idea to do what they've done. So when you ask, "What were you thinking??" and they answer "I don't know!" They are right! because this little devil fairy planted the stinking idea into their little heads with their magic dust!!!
Where did I come up with this you might ask??
It wasn't until yesterday, when I discovered Max in the living room, naked from the waste down, covered in diaper cream. But it doesn't end there! OH NO!! He ventured into my bedroom where he found all kinds of treasures! Like my lotion, Adam's deoderant, a vicks vapor fan, a big jug of little orange bb's for the air soft guns. We found all of these "treasures" in his room on his bed. thankfully the bb's container was closed tight enough that he couldn't sprinkle his room with them. the deoderant was picked clean leaving his bed smelling very strong of Old Spice. You can imagine the disturbance in finding the bottle of lotion in his bed though. Thankfully he left little to no mess (that I've seen yet).
The fun didn't even stop there...oh no. The toothpaste exploded in the bathroom all over the sink too. By the time I discovered that...i just threw up my hands and said "of course. why not!"
How did he do so much without my knowing? Well, when it's quiet upstairs at nap time,I assume it's because they are sleeping.
This morning, he had a little extra mischief left over. While I was upstairs listening to Abby read me a story, he got into a brand new set of Crayola paint. He emptied three whole containers into a paper plate.
So when I do write things on FB like, "Dear mischief fairy, please don't pay us a visit anymore, I think you overdosed my son" just know that behind such posts there are usually little ornery boys getting into trouble, keeping me on my toes.
I love this little mischievous nut.
Where did I come up with this you might ask??
It wasn't until yesterday, when I discovered Max in the living room, naked from the waste down, covered in diaper cream. But it doesn't end there! OH NO!! He ventured into my bedroom where he found all kinds of treasures! Like my lotion, Adam's deoderant, a vicks vapor fan, a big jug of little orange bb's for the air soft guns. We found all of these "treasures" in his room on his bed. thankfully the bb's container was closed tight enough that he couldn't sprinkle his room with them. the deoderant was picked clean leaving his bed smelling very strong of Old Spice. You can imagine the disturbance in finding the bottle of lotion in his bed though. Thankfully he left little to no mess (that I've seen yet).
The fun didn't even stop there...oh no. The toothpaste exploded in the bathroom all over the sink too. By the time I discovered that...i just threw up my hands and said "of course. why not!"
How did he do so much without my knowing? Well, when it's quiet upstairs at nap time,I assume it's because they are sleeping.
This morning, he had a little extra mischief left over. While I was upstairs listening to Abby read me a story, he got into a brand new set of Crayola paint. He emptied three whole containers into a paper plate.
So when I do write things on FB like, "Dear mischief fairy, please don't pay us a visit anymore, I think you overdosed my son" just know that behind such posts there are usually little ornery boys getting into trouble, keeping me on my toes.
I love this little mischievous nut.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Princesses and Their Moms...What's Up with It Anyway?
**************UPDATE AT THE BOTTOM FROM 5-20-13************************
I was thinking the other day...well about a lot of things, so forgive me if I run off here or there on tangents because really my thoughts were everywhere about this, which is why I decided to write about it.
Abby and I don't have an Amazing mother daughter relationship. I know she's only 4 (almost 5) and like any relationship it just needs time to grow and strengthen, but even considering, we just aren't super cozy bundles of sunshine and roses with each other. We love each other, very much. She tells me all the time that she loves me...I tell her all the time that I love her. We send each other notes, we give passing hugs and kisses, we snuggle up with a book....but ask her to help me do something she doesn't want to do? and the gloves are off and the power struggle begins. I think it has a lot to do with our similarities that cause us to butt heads.
So anyway, thinking about this the other day while I was driving and it hit me...NONE of the Princess movies we've seen show a good healthy Mother-Daughter relationship! Lets take a look:
Cinderella - mom is dead, step mom hates her and turns her into a servant
Snow White - mom is dead, step mom tries to kill her
Sleeping Beauty - mom sends her away to protect her, so fairies raise her.
Jasmine - mom is dead
Pocahontas- did she have a mother? I know she had Dad.
Belle - mom is dead
Gizelle (Enchanted) - No Parents!
Tiawna- oddly enough, she did have a pretty good relationship with mom...but it didn't show a lot.
Ariel - no mom
Mulan - while mom was there she did not play much of a role except getting her ready for her "test" in the beginning of the movie, the focus was more on Mulan and her dads relationship.
Rapunzel- her parents love her very much, but she was kidnapped as a baby by Mother Gothel and grows up believing MG is her real mother....now this one is one messed up example.
Merida- While I haven't actually seen this one yet, (Adam and Abby have) I hear that it does show struggle between mom and daughter. I'm sure I will see it and see a bit of the same pattern as above, if mom is in the picture, there is a struggle of some kind or she doesn't play a very big role in the story.
If you know me at all, you know that I've always struggled with the Rapunzel movie. Abby and I throughly enjoyed it,and it is among the top princess movies that play in our house. However the relationship between Rapunzel and Mother Gothel is pretty complicated, especially to my four year old and served as quite the hurdle to get over when we first brought the movie home and watched it. How do you explain to her that Rapunzels "mother" doesn't really love her? That when they say "I love you", "I love you more", "I love you most" and embrace in a tender moment hug that she's lying and is really the bad guy? Abby went through a phase (after seeing the movie and my explaining that MG is really the bad guy and lies to her about loving her) and called me "mother" for the longest time. I was afraid that she thought I was lying when I told her I loved her. We've had a few talks since then, reassuring her that I am not lying when I hug and kiss her and tell her I love her.
Where I'm going with this is, it occurred to me the other day while I was thinking about all of this that there aren't really any movies (or shows) that depict a healthy good mother daughter relationship or family dianamic! It makes me want to write Disney with a challenge....show me a movie that gives a good example of a WHOLE family (no dead relatives) that really love , respect, protect and support each other. (Instantly after reading that last sentence the Incredibles came to mind). Bigger challenge?? make it a princess movie! I recently saw a little video, I AM A PRINCESS . It was really good, a great message, and I hope that Abby gets all of that out of seeing these movies, but still, there's a lack of family structure that, I'm afraid, will leave our little princesses thinking that they have to be from a broken hurt home to become something special? I don't know. It's just an opinion. I'm sure there's a lot I've left out and haven't thought about.
We love the princess thing, obviously, have you seen my daughter? I also know that I can't leave it up to Disney to show her what a real (good) family looks like. I'm just thinkin'.
************UPDATE BELOW***************
I am so glad I came back through some of my posts and read this one. I wanted to take a moment and give Disney Props for the movie Brave. I finally have seen it (about a million times by now) and was so pleasantly surprised by the family dynamic change! Mom and Dad are married and from the booty pinches and snuggles, conversations, and support shown between them, they really seem to love each other! Dad's a bit of a doofus at some points giving Mom a stronger woman kind of roll, but otherwise, I am quite impressed with how the family is depicted in the story.
While there were other aspects of the movie I wasn't super amazed and keen on, the family message was a vast improvement. so there you have it. Disney, you have done something really good here. Lets keep moving in this direction. :)
I was thinking the other day...well about a lot of things, so forgive me if I run off here or there on tangents because really my thoughts were everywhere about this, which is why I decided to write about it.
Abby and I don't have an Amazing mother daughter relationship. I know she's only 4 (almost 5) and like any relationship it just needs time to grow and strengthen, but even considering, we just aren't super cozy bundles of sunshine and roses with each other. We love each other, very much. She tells me all the time that she loves me...I tell her all the time that I love her. We send each other notes, we give passing hugs and kisses, we snuggle up with a book....but ask her to help me do something she doesn't want to do? and the gloves are off and the power struggle begins. I think it has a lot to do with our similarities that cause us to butt heads.
So anyway, thinking about this the other day while I was driving and it hit me...NONE of the Princess movies we've seen show a good healthy Mother-Daughter relationship! Lets take a look:
Cinderella - mom is dead, step mom hates her and turns her into a servant
Snow White - mom is dead, step mom tries to kill her
Sleeping Beauty - mom sends her away to protect her, so fairies raise her.
Jasmine - mom is dead
Pocahontas- did she have a mother? I know she had Dad.
Belle - mom is dead
Gizelle (Enchanted) - No Parents!
Tiawna- oddly enough, she did have a pretty good relationship with mom...but it didn't show a lot.
Ariel - no mom
Mulan - while mom was there she did not play much of a role except getting her ready for her "test" in the beginning of the movie, the focus was more on Mulan and her dads relationship.
Rapunzel- her parents love her very much, but she was kidnapped as a baby by Mother Gothel and grows up believing MG is her real mother....now this one is one messed up example.
Merida- While I haven't actually seen this one yet, (Adam and Abby have) I hear that it does show struggle between mom and daughter. I'm sure I will see it and see a bit of the same pattern as above, if mom is in the picture, there is a struggle of some kind or she doesn't play a very big role in the story.
If you know me at all, you know that I've always struggled with the Rapunzel movie. Abby and I throughly enjoyed it,and it is among the top princess movies that play in our house. However the relationship between Rapunzel and Mother Gothel is pretty complicated, especially to my four year old and served as quite the hurdle to get over when we first brought the movie home and watched it. How do you explain to her that Rapunzels "mother" doesn't really love her? That when they say "I love you", "I love you more", "I love you most" and embrace in a tender moment hug that she's lying and is really the bad guy? Abby went through a phase (after seeing the movie and my explaining that MG is really the bad guy and lies to her about loving her) and called me "mother" for the longest time. I was afraid that she thought I was lying when I told her I loved her. We've had a few talks since then, reassuring her that I am not lying when I hug and kiss her and tell her I love her.
Where I'm going with this is, it occurred to me the other day while I was thinking about all of this that there aren't really any movies (or shows) that depict a healthy good mother daughter relationship or family dianamic! It makes me want to write Disney with a challenge....show me a movie that gives a good example of a WHOLE family (no dead relatives) that really love , respect, protect and support each other. (Instantly after reading that last sentence the Incredibles came to mind). Bigger challenge?? make it a princess movie! I recently saw a little video, I AM A PRINCESS . It was really good, a great message, and I hope that Abby gets all of that out of seeing these movies, but still, there's a lack of family structure that, I'm afraid, will leave our little princesses thinking that they have to be from a broken hurt home to become something special? I don't know. It's just an opinion. I'm sure there's a lot I've left out and haven't thought about.
We love the princess thing, obviously, have you seen my daughter? I also know that I can't leave it up to Disney to show her what a real (good) family looks like. I'm just thinkin'.
************UPDATE BELOW***************
I am so glad I came back through some of my posts and read this one. I wanted to take a moment and give Disney Props for the movie Brave. I finally have seen it (about a million times by now) and was so pleasantly surprised by the family dynamic change! Mom and Dad are married and from the booty pinches and snuggles, conversations, and support shown between them, they really seem to love each other! Dad's a bit of a doofus at some points giving Mom a stronger woman kind of roll, but otherwise, I am quite impressed with how the family is depicted in the story.
While there were other aspects of the movie I wasn't super amazed and keen on, the family message was a vast improvement. so there you have it. Disney, you have done something really good here. Lets keep moving in this direction. :)
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
My Ballet Adventure (part 2)
I am happy to say that this week (3rd and 4th in) I am starting to recognize the terminology. Here are a few of the things we've worked on, and their definitions (I totlaly stole this from Wikipedia...so no I didn't remember them...I vaguely recognized their names then googled the images to confirm). This isn't ALL of the terminology...but most of it.
This is my favorite time...not because of the exhausting use of muscles so much as the fact that all the movements are broken down and done slowly and I have time to think about it and do it without feeling rushed. It is a little harder on the body because moving in slow motion is HARD! but it is beautiful and graceful.
This is one of those ones where you think and feel you look like this:
but really look like this: (wobble, wobble)
It's much easier said than done when you haven't quite found that balance yet. I do like it though.
I stubbed my toe doing this one wrong...you have to be careful not to beat the wrong part of your foot!
basically you beat your foot on the floor in a swooshing motion, to the front, to the side and to the back...not sure how else to explain it...keep your toes pointed when you extend your leg...I dunnno..it's supposed to strengthen your toes and feet.
This one is the one where you realize as you get older and after having kids, no matter how much spotting you do, you are going to get dizzy and spin into the mirror (like I did) if you are not careful!!
I'm pretty sure our instructor throws this in there to see me squirm and wobble. Actually it is kind of neat to find my balance and rise from that to my toes...everything looks nicer on your tippy toes...even if you are a little wobbly.
What I WISH I looked like:
But this will have to do:
I just wish it ended with more chocolate or cheese. haha.
a Demi Plie is going half way, instead of all the way...we do more demi than grand.
Again...You think you look like this:
But really...

*sigh* it's so sad isn't it? I mean really! Am I Grand Plie-ing or squatting to pick something up? or worse! Squatting to POOP! oy.
I am pretty sure this is what was tangling up my feet the first day of class, I'm not 100% sure though.
As a position passé means when a foot is placed near, on, or below the other knee.
As a movement passé refers to the working foot passing close to the knee of the standing leg. When the foot arrives by the knee, it passes from the front to the back or back to front, and continues either to return to the floor by sliding down the supporting leg or into an arabesque or attitude etc.
What I think I look like:
the goal anyway,
What's really going on there:

I wanted to do it eleve but this particular day, for whatever reason, I had absolutely NO balance! It was awful..I totally ate it at one point doing a pirouette!
Well, This week was the first time we tried this.
In class, I tried and tried and tried, but only managed to do maybe half of one. I was so frustrated with myself. I would bring up the wrong leg, turn the wrong way, or just throw myself into a spin that made me topple over. At the end of class, Tanya did help me a little with some pointers. I did it mostly successfully both to the left and the right. I did not end gracefully, more like toddling, noodle legged mess, but at one point...I was up, on my toe, hands positioned, balanced and did a full turn, in the right direction with the right leg bent.
I succcessfully did it again...at home..the next day..with no one but the dog and three little kids as a witness. Again, I did not end gracefully, but I think it had more to do with the baby that snuck up under my lifted leg and a dog that barked at me in amusement.
this is just a matter of practice practice practice.
Tanya LOVES these. I see her doing them all the time. now that I know what they are and have done them too, I also like them. Such a nice fun way to stretch your legs.
I don't know why, but this is a favorite. I like doing our Tendu exercises.
Here's what it looks like...
WELP! That about sums up what we've done so far. I like having these definitions here to reference. And now they are here for you too! Maybe I won't be so lost in the next few sessions! I am hoping to use THIS terminology from here on out in my updates, and not "hop-twist-turn-thing". I hope to add pictures in a couple of weeks to keep track of improvement and hopefully there will be enough to see! I would say, over all, that it's not "bad" considering I've never done any of this before!
slow, enfolding movements, performed with the greatest amount of fluidity and grace as possible. In a classical ballet class, the Adagio portion of the lesson concentrates on slow movements to improve the dancer's ability to control the leg and increase extension (i.e., to bring the leg into high positions with control and ease). Adagio combinations typically occur in the centre following exercises at the barre, and consist of the principal steps, plie, developpe, attitude, arabesque, and grande rond de jambe, to name a few. In ballet, the word adagio does not refer to the music accompanying the dance but rather the type of balletic movement being performed.This is my favorite time...not because of the exhausting use of muscles so much as the fact that all the movements are broken down and done slowly and I have time to think about it and do it without feeling rushed. It is a little harder on the body because moving in slow motion is HARD! but it is beautiful and graceful.
Tthe position of the body supported on one leg, with the other leg extended behind the body with the knee straight. The standing leg may be either bent in plie or straight. Arabesque is used in both allegro and adagio choreography and generally concludes a phrase of steps.This is one of those ones where you think and feel you look like this:
![]() |
millicentmouse.wordpress.com |
but really look like this: (wobble, wobble)
It's much easier said than done when you haven't quite found that balance yet. I do like it though.
basically like an arobesque, but that lifted leg is bent...in some ways it is easier, in some ways not, depending on if you're attituding front, side or back. ;)Battement
A beating movement of the working leg (i.e. the leg that is active). Battements are usually executed in front (en avant or à la quatrieme devant), to the side (à la seconde) or back (en arrière or à la quatrieme derrière).I stubbed my toe doing this one wrong...you have to be careful not to beat the wrong part of your foot!
basically you beat your foot on the floor in a swooshing motion, to the front, to the side and to the back...not sure how else to explain it...keep your toes pointed when you extend your leg...I dunnno..it's supposed to strengthen your toes and feet.
A series of quick turns on alternating feet with progression, or chain, along a straight line or circle. The turns are done with the feet in a small, tight first position releve. "Spotting" of the head is used to avoid dizziness in this and all turning exercises in ballet. In classical ballet it is done on the pointes or demi-pointes (on the balls of the feet).This one is the one where you realize as you get older and after having kids, no matter how much spotting you do, you are going to get dizzy and spin into the mirror (like I did) if you are not careful!!
Literally "rise". A relevé without the plié, so that the dancer simply rises directly to demi or pointe from flat feet and straight legs all the way to the balls of the feet.I'm pretty sure our instructor throws this in there to see me squirm and wobble. Actually it is kind of neat to find my balance and rise from that to my toes...everything looks nicer on your tippy toes...even if you are a little wobbly.
What I WISH I looked like:
![]() |
blackhearts-selina.blogspot.com |
But this will have to do:
Literally "to melt". Abbreviation for a battement fondu. A term used to describe a lowering of the body which is made by bending the knee of the supporting leg. Saint-Leon wrote, "Fondu is on one leg what a plie is on two."I just wish it ended with more chocolate or cheese. haha.
Grand plié
A full plié, or bending of the knees. The back should be straight and aligned with the heels, and the legs are turned out with knees over the feet. As a movement, it should be fluid. It may also be in preparation for another movement such as a leap. Often done in first, second, third, fourth, or fifth position.a Demi Plie is going half way, instead of all the way...we do more demi than grand.
Again...You think you look like this:
![]() |
old.bpsd.org |
But really...

*sigh* it's so sad isn't it? I mean really! Am I Grand Plie-ing or squatting to pick something up? or worse! Squatting to POOP! oy.
Pas de bourrée
It consists of three quick steps i.e. behind, side, front, often ending in a demi plié.I am pretty sure this is what was tangling up my feet the first day of class, I'm not 100% sure though.
Meaning 'to pass'.As a position passé means when a foot is placed near, on, or below the other knee.
As a movement passé refers to the working foot passing close to the knee of the standing leg. When the foot arrives by the knee, it passes from the front to the back or back to front, and continues either to return to the floor by sliding down the supporting leg or into an arabesque or attitude etc.
What I think I look like:
![]() |
sarah--says.blogspot.com |
the goal anyway,
What's really going on there:

I wanted to do it eleve but this particular day, for whatever reason, I had absolutely NO balance! It was awful..I totally ate it at one point doing a pirouette!
Literally means to "whirl"; A controlled turn on one leg, starting with one or both legs in plié and rising onto demi-pointe (usually for men) or pointe (usually for women). The non-supporting leg can be held in retiré position, or in attitude, arabesque level or second position. The pirouette may return to the starting position or finish in arabesque or attitude positions, or proceed otherwise.Well, This week was the first time we tried this.
In class, I tried and tried and tried, but only managed to do maybe half of one. I was so frustrated with myself. I would bring up the wrong leg, turn the wrong way, or just throw myself into a spin that made me topple over. At the end of class, Tanya did help me a little with some pointers. I did it mostly successfully both to the left and the right. I did not end gracefully, more like toddling, noodle legged mess, but at one point...I was up, on my toe, hands positioned, balanced and did a full turn, in the right direction with the right leg bent.
I succcessfully did it again...at home..the next day..with no one but the dog and three little kids as a witness. Again, I did not end gracefully, but I think it had more to do with the baby that snuck up under my lifted leg and a dog that barked at me in amusement.
this is just a matter of practice practice practice.
Rond de jambe
Literally "circle of the leg". Actually, half-circles made by the pointed foot, returning through first position to repeat; creating the letter 'D' on the floor. From front to back rond de jambe en dehors, or from back to front rond de jambe en dedans.Tanya LOVES these. I see her doing them all the time. now that I know what they are and have done them too, I also like them. Such a nice fun way to stretch your legs.
Literally, "stretched"; a common abbreviation for battement tendu. Usually done as an exercise at the barre from first or fifth position, the working leg is extended to either the front, side or back, gradually along the floor until only the tip of the toe remains touching the floor (tendu a terre) or even further stretched so that the tip of the toe comes up off the floor a few inches (en l'air). A tendu can also be used in preparation for other more complex steps, such as pirouettes, or leaps.I don't know why, but this is a favorite. I like doing our Tendu exercises.
Here's what it looks like...
![]() |
pliestopirouettes.blogspot.com |
WELP! That about sums up what we've done so far. I like having these definitions here to reference. And now they are here for you too! Maybe I won't be so lost in the next few sessions! I am hoping to use THIS terminology from here on out in my updates, and not "hop-twist-turn-thing". I hope to add pictures in a couple of weeks to keep track of improvement and hopefully there will be enough to see! I would say, over all, that it's not "bad" considering I've never done any of this before!
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
My Ballet Adventure
After seeing Abby in ballet, and loving it so deeply, and then running into my best friend and an opportunity to do an adult ballet class with her, I decided to venture out and try something I've always wanted to try.
So, I took the plunge, signed up, ordered the shoes (I didn't even think ballet slippers came in my ginormous size!), leotard, and tights and started stretching at home (I will NOT be that person in class that can't touch her toes!) and with a deep feeling of giddy meets nerves, I went to my first class.
Well I didn't die. I am still here, but it was totally not what I expected. The only ballet class I've ever seen was Abby's where a bunch of four year old cuties are learning each position, stretching, and then galloping accross the floor on their tiptoes. Sometimes there would be some barre work, but it was just pointing your toes this way or kicking a leg that way. How hard could that be, right? A lot harder than I thought it would be and I felt AMAZING afterward. I don't know what I expect to get out of this class. At first I was just doing it because I was suckered into the classic "I'll do it if you do it". I figured it would be a great way to get some exercise, gain and maintain some flexibility, and honestly, I've always wanted to try it. It's so beautiful and graceful and effortless (looking...LOOKING!). Abby seems to enjoy it so much and I watch her little class and think "why not? I could do that!"
That is where the "not what I expected" came in. I thought we'd be doing some simple stretches, a little bit of barre work...learn first and second MAYBE even third or fourth positions...
OH MY GOODNESS! we went straight to the barre, did some crazy bending and movements I didn't even know I could do, bend here, toes that way, butt tucked, pull from your tummy, use this muscle not that one, remember to keep your head high, arm out this way when your foot is like this, that way when it's like that...my brain nearly exploaded about half way through from the terminology alone!
There was a couple of exercises where the footwork had me all tangled up and I just hid behind the instructor and shuffled in the general direction she was going, hoping she wasn't watching my feet. Then we twirrled and spun across the room, where I forgot to spot and nearly flung myself into the big wall mirror. Yikes! the second time across wasn't so bad because I actually remembered to spot!
We leaped and jumped and finally finished off with a slow and steady "follow the leader" type thing.
I survived. I felt AMAZING and I couldn't wait for the next class. The hour goes by fast. I did not want to leave yet!
My second class was a lot of the same barre work. I knew what to expect, so the terminology didn't cause nearly as much brain damage as the first time going through it.Tthere were a few new moves that were just awesome. stretching in this way was so great for my mind and body. Challenging? absolutely! but in a good way! I was able to focus a little more on my form, keeping my arms and head up correctly and LEGS STRAIGHT! We got to the floor stuff where we did the same step combo that had my legs all in knots the first time, but when I relaxed and just did it, I actually DID it! a couple of times! correctly! We did our spins where I learned how to spot a little bit more accurately so I was able to avoid the mirror and get across the room without feeling like an out of control tornado sweeping through the room.
Next we did another spin step hop thing that nearly broke my brain. It was by far the most challenging part of the night. Step backward one step, turn step, hop turn, land on opposite foot with other leg out straight behind you...WHAT? I had to watch it several times and begin again and again before I almost got it right. I got across the room without any major injuries and then heard "okay, again with the left foot this time, but lets do two people at a time because we're nearing the end of class" So I partnered up with Tanya (my sweet BFF) and while the first leap twist thing was a success, we almost hopped right into each other!
I can't wait to see what this next week brings us. I am going to practice that leap-turn-hopper-thing (this is my terminology...clearly) and hopefully be able to do it for our next class...if we do it again. :)
So, I took the plunge, signed up, ordered the shoes (I didn't even think ballet slippers came in my ginormous size!), leotard, and tights and started stretching at home (I will NOT be that person in class that can't touch her toes!) and with a deep feeling of giddy meets nerves, I went to my first class.

That is where the "not what I expected" came in. I thought we'd be doing some simple stretches, a little bit of barre work...learn first and second MAYBE even third or fourth positions...
OH MY GOODNESS! we went straight to the barre, did some crazy bending and movements I didn't even know I could do, bend here, toes that way, butt tucked, pull from your tummy, use this muscle not that one, remember to keep your head high, arm out this way when your foot is like this, that way when it's like that...my brain nearly exploaded about half way through from the terminology alone!
There was a couple of exercises where the footwork had me all tangled up and I just hid behind the instructor and shuffled in the general direction she was going, hoping she wasn't watching my feet. Then we twirrled and spun across the room, where I forgot to spot and nearly flung myself into the big wall mirror. Yikes! the second time across wasn't so bad because I actually remembered to spot!
We leaped and jumped and finally finished off with a slow and steady "follow the leader" type thing.
I survived. I felt AMAZING and I couldn't wait for the next class. The hour goes by fast. I did not want to leave yet!

Next we did another spin step hop thing that nearly broke my brain. It was by far the most challenging part of the night. Step backward one step, turn step, hop turn, land on opposite foot with other leg out straight behind you...WHAT? I had to watch it several times and begin again and again before I almost got it right. I got across the room without any major injuries and then heard "okay, again with the left foot this time, but lets do two people at a time because we're nearing the end of class" So I partnered up with Tanya (my sweet BFF) and while the first leap twist thing was a success, we almost hopped right into each other!
I can't wait to see what this next week brings us. I am going to practice that leap-turn-hopper-thing (this is my terminology...clearly) and hopefully be able to do it for our next class...if we do it again. :)
You Did What???
We acquired a dog. That's right, through some (unfortunate) events my brother is moving and can't take his pup with him, so I "volentold" him I'd take him. After much begging and convincing both our land lady and ourselves, we now have grown our family by four paws.
I'm pretty sure he was named with the anticipation of his getting really big being part lab and all, but after some further examination and my own "experty" judgement (ha!) I'm pretty sure he's also part beagle and won't be getting much larger than he already is.
He has enough personality in that puppy body to fill out his name. He is rambunctious and sweet all at the same time. He is AMAZING with kids (thanks to good training by my bro!) and despite Titus' efforts, will NOT eat that peanut butter sandwich, no matter how many times Ti tries sticking his hand into his mouth with a fist full of sandwich, or corn dog, he will not take a bite...although today he did have the corn dog stick with a bit of dog left on it and looked at me like "Honest! I had no choice! I would have choked had he stuck it any further down my throat! please don't hate me!"
He is a great dog so far. Titus and Max wallow on him and with him and he's so gentle in his playing with them. He is patient and willing to give up whatever toy he has to whichever little hands are grabbing his way, especially if it means that said toy will be tossed to be chased. He is still puppy though, so there is a lot of jumping, gnawing, chewing and barking. Mostly at the grownups. He has a little ways to go yet on manners, but over all, a great dog!
So what were we thinking? Adding an 8 month old puppy to the litter of children I already have running around? Maybe I was bored and needed a little extra work to do around the house? Maybe I was thinking I was getting baby fever and needed a fix quick before we made any rash decisions! Or maybe I saw an opportunity to help my brother out in a situation that demanded help but I didn't know what else to do but take his dog and run! Honestly I don't know what possessed me to take on this challenge, but so far (one whole week into it) I am glad I did. Is it fun cleaning up the poop and pee because we haven't quite figured out when he's saying "lets play" or "I need to go out NOW"...no, but we're getting there and I think it will be worth it. The kids love him. Abby is still a little timid with him, but the boys have bonded and are on their way to having a great relationship with their first dog.
I really hope this works out well. Challenging? yes. Crazy? maybe. Worth it? I think so. at any rate...meet Tank:
I'm pretty sure he was named with the anticipation of his getting really big being part lab and all, but after some further examination and my own "experty" judgement (ha!) I'm pretty sure he's also part beagle and won't be getting much larger than he already is.
He has enough personality in that puppy body to fill out his name. He is rambunctious and sweet all at the same time. He is AMAZING with kids (thanks to good training by my bro!) and despite Titus' efforts, will NOT eat that peanut butter sandwich, no matter how many times Ti tries sticking his hand into his mouth with a fist full of sandwich, or corn dog, he will not take a bite...although today he did have the corn dog stick with a bit of dog left on it and looked at me like "Honest! I had no choice! I would have choked had he stuck it any further down my throat! please don't hate me!"
He is a great dog so far. Titus and Max wallow on him and with him and he's so gentle in his playing with them. He is patient and willing to give up whatever toy he has to whichever little hands are grabbing his way, especially if it means that said toy will be tossed to be chased. He is still puppy though, so there is a lot of jumping, gnawing, chewing and barking. Mostly at the grownups. He has a little ways to go yet on manners, but over all, a great dog!
So what were we thinking? Adding an 8 month old puppy to the litter of children I already have running around? Maybe I was bored and needed a little extra work to do around the house? Maybe I was thinking I was getting baby fever and needed a fix quick before we made any rash decisions! Or maybe I saw an opportunity to help my brother out in a situation that demanded help but I didn't know what else to do but take his dog and run! Honestly I don't know what possessed me to take on this challenge, but so far (one whole week into it) I am glad I did. Is it fun cleaning up the poop and pee because we haven't quite figured out when he's saying "lets play" or "I need to go out NOW"...no, but we're getting there and I think it will be worth it. The kids love him. Abby is still a little timid with him, but the boys have bonded and are on their way to having a great relationship with their first dog.
I really hope this works out well. Challenging? yes. Crazy? maybe. Worth it? I think so. at any rate...meet Tank:
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
I don't know what to name this post...Fall is coming! Hold On To Your Shorts!
I hate that it's been so long since my last post. I get it in my head
that I want to do this often, like weekly or even more often than
that..I even have a list on my phone of ideas for blogpost..."note to
self...write about____" those usually come to me in the middle of the
grocery store or after buckling in a sticky kid in the car...(never
while I'm driving...ha).
But alas, it still happens. Life happens and I forget to put those thoughts down.
This is what's been happening though, in the last month or so. I figure now is as good a time as any to jot it down so I can at least say that I did it. written documentation!!
With fall approaching, I sense my calendar is beginning to stretch in anticipation of filling up. So I make some serious decisions.
1) I will get up early, have my time with God and that half hour (minimum) to wake up and accept the new day before my three little darlings come down the stairs ready to roll with their breakfast requests and cartoons. It's amazing what that time in the morning does for me.
2) I will (despite my inner objections) home school for preschool. there are a lot of reasons I don't really want to do it, but the non stop asking from my 4 year old of when school starts and "do I get to ride the school bus this year????" trumps my "I don't have the self motivation/time/discipline to do this" argh...so with a little bit of an eyeroll, I am caving and doing it. Thank goodness next year she starts Kindergarten! then all her little school bus riding, backpack toting, dreams come true! My goal is having this homeschooling schedule will help us NOT over-commit (like we did last year). that is my HOPE anyway. It will also add a little bit of structure to our home-time so they are not in front of the TV (and I am not in front of the computer) for hours. Yes that happens. I don't like it. So I'm changing it.
Our first day of "school" was yesterday. I thought it fitting to start when the rest of the county starts and we'll probably follow somewhat of the same schedule..when the schools are closed for fall, winter and spring breaks, we'll take ours too. Our official days are Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 9:30-12.
So far so good, but lets see if Mommy can be disciplined enough to keep it going this year. It's been one whole day after all :)
3) I will take photography more seriously. I love taking pictures (ironically enough, I don't have an image to go with this post...) and I am involved in Help-Portrait this year, and am making it a personal goal to be ready for my own station this year. I want to be able to set up the equipment and be comfortable and confident enough to take some awesome pictures. My plan is to be as involved as I can with photo-learning opportunities. This is where having friends in the business is so amazing. I get to jump in and learn. I had a great opportunity to do that at Kliiq this weekend and was so in my element! I didn't want to leave! for being a long day, it went by so fast!
That's about it for now. I am hoping to get some blogging in among all of this "organized chaos" but who knows. Life may just happen again, and I might be busy enjoying it and forget to write it down! I hope not.
But alas, it still happens. Life happens and I forget to put those thoughts down.
This is what's been happening though, in the last month or so. I figure now is as good a time as any to jot it down so I can at least say that I did it. written documentation!!
With fall approaching, I sense my calendar is beginning to stretch in anticipation of filling up. So I make some serious decisions.
1) I will get up early, have my time with God and that half hour (minimum) to wake up and accept the new day before my three little darlings come down the stairs ready to roll with their breakfast requests and cartoons. It's amazing what that time in the morning does for me.
2) I will (despite my inner objections) home school for preschool. there are a lot of reasons I don't really want to do it, but the non stop asking from my 4 year old of when school starts and "do I get to ride the school bus this year????" trumps my "I don't have the self motivation/time/discipline to do this" argh...so with a little bit of an eyeroll, I am caving and doing it. Thank goodness next year she starts Kindergarten! then all her little school bus riding, backpack toting, dreams come true! My goal is having this homeschooling schedule will help us NOT over-commit (like we did last year). that is my HOPE anyway. It will also add a little bit of structure to our home-time so they are not in front of the TV (and I am not in front of the computer) for hours. Yes that happens. I don't like it. So I'm changing it.
Our first day of "school" was yesterday. I thought it fitting to start when the rest of the county starts and we'll probably follow somewhat of the same schedule..when the schools are closed for fall, winter and spring breaks, we'll take ours too. Our official days are Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 9:30-12.
So far so good, but lets see if Mommy can be disciplined enough to keep it going this year. It's been one whole day after all :)
3) I will take photography more seriously. I love taking pictures (ironically enough, I don't have an image to go with this post...) and I am involved in Help-Portrait this year, and am making it a personal goal to be ready for my own station this year. I want to be able to set up the equipment and be comfortable and confident enough to take some awesome pictures. My plan is to be as involved as I can with photo-learning opportunities. This is where having friends in the business is so amazing. I get to jump in and learn. I had a great opportunity to do that at Kliiq this weekend and was so in my element! I didn't want to leave! for being a long day, it went by so fast!
That's about it for now. I am hoping to get some blogging in among all of this "organized chaos" but who knows. Life may just happen again, and I might be busy enjoying it and forget to write it down! I hope not.
"A Loud and cheerful greeting early in the morning will be taken as a curse!"
So getting up early has been great! Now that I'm adjusted and found my wake up time...I am doing well. I get up at 6:30, shuffle to the kitchen, throw on the coffee and sit with my bible and devotional book. I don't move until little feet pitter patter down the stairs asking for "shlokit milk" or "butter bread". I also taught them to read a clock...or the first number anyway. They can come down when that first number is a seven...or an eight.
I won't lie, the first few weeks of that were terrible. I slithered down the stairs, hair a mess, grouchy as all get out. I didn't speak on word to Adam just kind of grunted and glared. After about a week of that, he started getting ready in the basement and taking breakfast with him to work...I think I scared him off.
I have gotten nicer though. We actually say "Good Morning" and even throw a smooch in there as we get ready for our day. He's also eating at home again. I think the morning monster isn't so scary after all... she's adjusted, making her a little friendlier.
As for bible studies..I started with reading everything I could get my hands on. I get a daily devotional from Proverbs 31 Ministries (highly recommend), had a devotional book I borrowed from a friend, a new one I bought at a conference and the good ole B-I-B-L-E. I was set! (and clearly spiritually hungry). Now that I'm settled into this new routine, I've dialed back a little bit and am reading through Proverbs this month. A chapter a day. It's been pretty good! I am also reading through 1st and 2nd Samuel (Story of David) which has been reading like a really good book. I totally get sucked in!
I'm looking forward to Connections starting so that I can use this time for this years study! NO EXCUSES NOW! I have made time for the study and I'm going to really get into it this year! (I don't even know what it's about yet!)
The title of this post, by the way is Proverbs 27:14. See? See? Mornings! yuck!
I also find verses 15 and 16 quite funny, but you'll have to seek those out yourself :)
Good Morning!!
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Growing Up Too Fast!
Today was Titus' 1st birthday. It's hard to believe that a year ago I was a post panicked mess laying on the living room floor, surrounded by 6 (very enthusiastic) EMTs/Firefighters. I was overwhelmed with emotions and holding my new baby boy in my arms.
And then I blinked.
He's ONE! Trying to walk, talk and do his own thing like this big sister and brother. He has the funniest personality and is the toughest little guy I know!
What happened? Oh right, I blinked.
Speaking of older siblings and independence, Abby is also getting into her own little independent grove. This last week she insisted on taking a shower, ALONE. The only time I was beckoned was for help with the shampoo. After I got it good and scrubbed into her scalp I got the "Okay, Mom., I just need some alone time" What?
She's also taking the initiative to do things on her own...little things, like making her bed, helping with laundry, cooking. She even steps in and helps with the boys. Way more than I have ever seen any 4 year old do! She really has a servants heart.
At least Max still needs me. Unless he's putting on the latest super hero costume and doing an evening patrol of the house, ridding us of all the 'bad guys' so we can sleep safely. I must stand clear and let him work. Don't let that big protective side of him fool you, he has a very tender heart and is by far the best snuggler ever.
It is so neat to have them close enough in age to play together (and fight together). Yet they are far enough in age that they have clear needs and different amounts of independence. I'm not needed, but still needed. And blessed beyond words.
And then I blinked.
He's ONE! Trying to walk, talk and do his own thing like this big sister and brother. He has the funniest personality and is the toughest little guy I know!
What happened? Oh right, I blinked.
Speaking of older siblings and independence, Abby is also getting into her own little independent grove. This last week she insisted on taking a shower, ALONE. The only time I was beckoned was for help with the shampoo. After I got it good and scrubbed into her scalp I got the "Okay, Mom., I just need some alone time" What?
She's also taking the initiative to do things on her own...little things, like making her bed, helping with laundry, cooking. She even steps in and helps with the boys. Way more than I have ever seen any 4 year old do! She really has a servants heart.
At least Max still needs me. Unless he's putting on the latest super hero costume and doing an evening patrol of the house, ridding us of all the 'bad guys' so we can sleep safely. I must stand clear and let him work. Don't let that big protective side of him fool you, he has a very tender heart and is by far the best snuggler ever.
It is so neat to have them close enough in age to play together (and fight together). Yet they are far enough in age that they have clear needs and different amounts of independence. I'm not needed, but still needed. And blessed beyond words.
Monday, July 9, 2012
Calling Upon The Lord
"I will call upon the Lord. Who is worthy to be praised. So shall I be saved from my enemies, I will call upon the Lord"
This song is stuck in my head today. I can't help but think about a recent display of faith and prayer by Abby once again. I have been learning a lot from her lately!
We were having a rough day behaviorally, and Abby had been sent to the corner for a time out. It was the first time I sent her to put her nose in the corner for a time out. Usually she sits at the bottom of the steps, but she began making faces and back talking while sitting there, so I went to the next "best" thing. She did NOT respond well to that at all. I think there is a level of humiliation in sticking your nose in a corner for all to see when you've misbehaved and she was experiencing that for the first time.
Our rule is that the timer doesn't start until you are quiet in your time out. After about five minutes of protest, screaming and carrying on, I finally took her to her room.
I know this doesn't sound like a very encouraging story yet, but bear with me....
She was nearly done with the tantrum when she finally sobbed at me "I just want you to hold me so we can pray!"
That statement kind of surprised me. I said "okay" and she climbed in my lap and started pouring her heart out to God.
"Lord, Thank you for today. Thank you for Mommy. I am sorry I have a bad attitude. Please help me not have it anymore. Help me to be a good girl for Mommy and please don't change her mind about the new rules of timeout. In Jesus' name, Amen...say amen mom"
I think that last part was meant to be that I would change my mind, but you get the gist. I was totally tearfully proud of my little girl for running to the Lord in her time of distress and in the midst of such a tantrum.
Abby is one of those people that once they are in full swing of a "freak out" you have to snap them out of it. I often think of that scene from Moons Struck when Cher slaps Nicholas Cage and simply says "Snap out of it!" We don't slap her in the face, but a swat on the hiney usually works. Just enough to get her attention so she stops freaking out and regains control of herself. I have also learned the signs of a total tantrum on the rise and have learned to stop it before it starts, so the swats have become less and less...so that's good, but sometimes when I miss that opportunity to stop it before it starts, it's good to see her regain control on her own and ask God for that help. I have a feeling swats are no longer a necessary course of action. Which is good be cause I hated doing that.
Another example is when she is sick, she calls upon the Lord. Her most recent was last night. She'd had a fever all day and it still hadn't even acted like coming down. We gave her some medicine which she was finally able to keep down, and as we put her to bed, we prayed God would "lay His healing hands on her" so she would feel better and get relief from being so icky. A few minutes later, Adam said goodnight and "feel better" to which Abby replied, "I will. If God forgets to lay his healing hands on me I'll still be Sick in the Morning". She sounded a little defeated with that statement. Is it any surprise though that while her fever was there all night and into this morning, at about 10am, when she was really starting to wake up for the day, and be more aware of my taking her temperature, that it was gone? She smiled big and had this "I knew He wouldn't forget me" look on her face. A sense of satisfaction in her Lord.
Anyway, the point of these stories is to call upon the Lord! even in the midst of our own "freak outs" and "tantrums" and when we've hit "rock bottom" (in her case, getting sick)
I think my new found love of parenting is seeing them grow in their faith. Her faith is enormous! I could not be more proud of her and the young faithful lady she is budding to be.
This song is stuck in my head today. I can't help but think about a recent display of faith and prayer by Abby once again. I have been learning a lot from her lately!
We were having a rough day behaviorally, and Abby had been sent to the corner for a time out. It was the first time I sent her to put her nose in the corner for a time out. Usually she sits at the bottom of the steps, but she began making faces and back talking while sitting there, so I went to the next "best" thing. She did NOT respond well to that at all. I think there is a level of humiliation in sticking your nose in a corner for all to see when you've misbehaved and she was experiencing that for the first time.
Our rule is that the timer doesn't start until you are quiet in your time out. After about five minutes of protest, screaming and carrying on, I finally took her to her room.
I know this doesn't sound like a very encouraging story yet, but bear with me....
She was nearly done with the tantrum when she finally sobbed at me "I just want you to hold me so we can pray!"
That statement kind of surprised me. I said "okay" and she climbed in my lap and started pouring her heart out to God.
"Lord, Thank you for today. Thank you for Mommy. I am sorry I have a bad attitude. Please help me not have it anymore. Help me to be a good girl for Mommy and please don't change her mind about the new rules of timeout. In Jesus' name, Amen...say amen mom"
I think that last part was meant to be that I would change my mind, but you get the gist. I was totally tearfully proud of my little girl for running to the Lord in her time of distress and in the midst of such a tantrum.
Abby is one of those people that once they are in full swing of a "freak out" you have to snap them out of it. I often think of that scene from Moons Struck when Cher slaps Nicholas Cage and simply says "Snap out of it!" We don't slap her in the face, but a swat on the hiney usually works. Just enough to get her attention so she stops freaking out and regains control of herself. I have also learned the signs of a total tantrum on the rise and have learned to stop it before it starts, so the swats have become less and less...so that's good, but sometimes when I miss that opportunity to stop it before it starts, it's good to see her regain control on her own and ask God for that help. I have a feeling swats are no longer a necessary course of action. Which is good be cause I hated doing that.
Another example is when she is sick, she calls upon the Lord. Her most recent was last night. She'd had a fever all day and it still hadn't even acted like coming down. We gave her some medicine which she was finally able to keep down, and as we put her to bed, we prayed God would "lay His healing hands on her" so she would feel better and get relief from being so icky. A few minutes later, Adam said goodnight and "feel better" to which Abby replied, "I will. If God forgets to lay his healing hands on me I'll still be Sick in the Morning". She sounded a little defeated with that statement. Is it any surprise though that while her fever was there all night and into this morning, at about 10am, when she was really starting to wake up for the day, and be more aware of my taking her temperature, that it was gone? She smiled big and had this "I knew He wouldn't forget me" look on her face. A sense of satisfaction in her Lord.
Anyway, the point of these stories is to call upon the Lord! even in the midst of our own "freak outs" and "tantrums" and when we've hit "rock bottom" (in her case, getting sick)
I think my new found love of parenting is seeing them grow in their faith. Her faith is enormous! I could not be more proud of her and the young faithful lady she is budding to be.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Faith Through Fire, Even When It's Not Ours
Last week a fire broke out in Colorado Springs. It is actually still going, but before the firemen had it under control, it exploded and tripled in size within a 24 hour period. As of yesterday morning, the fire was 25% contained with over 17,000 acres burned. They, at one point, had to evacuate 30,000 people and have reported 2 deaths.
Now that you have kind of the back ground I can tell you what happened on our end of things. Seeing the town I was born in and raised for the first 10 years of my life being destroyed, and knowing I have a lot of family in that area, you can imagine the heartbreak as well as concern for the well being of those in that area.
Grammy, Aunts, Uncles and cousins in the midst of it all. It just broke my heart. (thankfully none of them lost their homes or were evacuated).
It was Abby's faith in God that really shined through in this situation. I showed her pictures on the computer and explained to her what was going on. I asked her if she would pray with me and without hesitation she bowed her head, closed her eyes and prayed earnestly for rain to come put out the fire.
It was very moving for me. She really cared (even if it was only for a minute) and after I had my turn to pray, she hugged me and went on playing. Shortly after this I called my Grammy to check on her, see how close to the fire she is and to make sure she is safe...I shared with her that Abby prayed for rain. Gram was touched and said she'd keep us updated. That afternoon I get a call "Let Abby know it's raining! God answered her prayers!"
When I shared the update with Abby, she lit up and had this "I knew He'd help!" look on her sweet little face.
She continued to pray that evening at bedtime. She thanked God for the rain and asked for more and to keep everyone safe.
A couple of days later, Gram called me again in tears. "I want you to know that a friend of mine was evacuated and when they were allowed to go back to check on their house again the fire burnt up their back yard all the way up to the deck, and then just stopped! Their house is safe!" She went on to talk about how glad she was that we prayed and that sharing with her friends that her great grand baby was praying really gave people hope. I of course passed on the message to Abby who again, lit up and was so joyful that God saved the houses and never doubted that God would help these people.
It's faith like that that we are supposed to have. What a blessing to have it clearly modeled in my home every day. She knows God is there and can help and will help. No doubts, no questions, she just knows. I love it. I love her. I love God for giving me her.
Now that you have kind of the back ground I can tell you what happened on our end of things. Seeing the town I was born in and raised for the first 10 years of my life being destroyed, and knowing I have a lot of family in that area, you can imagine the heartbreak as well as concern for the well being of those in that area.
Grammy, Aunts, Uncles and cousins in the midst of it all. It just broke my heart. (thankfully none of them lost their homes or were evacuated).
It was Abby's faith in God that really shined through in this situation. I showed her pictures on the computer and explained to her what was going on. I asked her if she would pray with me and without hesitation she bowed her head, closed her eyes and prayed earnestly for rain to come put out the fire.
It was very moving for me. She really cared (even if it was only for a minute) and after I had my turn to pray, she hugged me and went on playing. Shortly after this I called my Grammy to check on her, see how close to the fire she is and to make sure she is safe...I shared with her that Abby prayed for rain. Gram was touched and said she'd keep us updated. That afternoon I get a call "Let Abby know it's raining! God answered her prayers!"
When I shared the update with Abby, she lit up and had this "I knew He'd help!" look on her sweet little face.
She continued to pray that evening at bedtime. She thanked God for the rain and asked for more and to keep everyone safe.
A couple of days later, Gram called me again in tears. "I want you to know that a friend of mine was evacuated and when they were allowed to go back to check on their house again the fire burnt up their back yard all the way up to the deck, and then just stopped! Their house is safe!" She went on to talk about how glad she was that we prayed and that sharing with her friends that her great grand baby was praying really gave people hope. I of course passed on the message to Abby who again, lit up and was so joyful that God saved the houses and never doubted that God would help these people.
It's faith like that that we are supposed to have. What a blessing to have it clearly modeled in my home every day. She knows God is there and can help and will help. No doubts, no questions, she just knows. I love it. I love her. I love God for giving me her.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
A Little Goes A Long Way
In the last few months, Max has really come out of his shell. His sense of exploration and all out mischief has taken over the timid, overly cautious boy I knew just a year ago. He was never the one (as a baby) to worry if it got quiet because that is just how he was. If it was quiet, I didn't go running looking for him because he was always content to play on his own and stay out of trouble.
I don't know if it is that he has gotten a little older and "wiser" or maybe the mischief has just caught up with my little cautious one, but wow! when he does it, he does it all the way. He is smart about it too! He waits for the times when I expect it to be quiet. Nap time.
The first act of nap time mischief was when he quietly found himself in the hallway getting into a box of "things to be put away" and found some anti-itch cream, egg dying kit, and cotton balls. Thankfully he didn't do anything with the dye, but the stickers were fun and the cream felt nice on his cheeks, and what would it be without a pretty cloud of fluffy white while exploring this box?
The second act, again at nap time, was when he came down stairs with lotion all over his body. He was very smooth and soft that day. This is when he discovered he could climb on top of his trash can and access the treasures on top of the changing table.
Then there was the time he came down powdery white from the baby powder. This was the day he started goin all in with his messes. If we're gonna dump the powder...it's going to be ALL of the powder!! His room was a beautiful winter wonderland! and smelled like a fresh baby's toosh for about a week! This is also when Titus started getting involved in the shenanigans.
The latest and greatest and the tip of the iceberg for finally deciding to take all of these items OUT of his room, was just yesterday. I was having a bit of a battle with the kids anyway in cleaning. I would clean a spot, turn around and something else would be dumped out. I'd get them all settled with their lunch, turn to grab mine off the counter and find mac n cheese thrown on the floor (Titus). I'd had about enough, and was all to grateful for that nap time break where I could finally get some work done uninterrupted and without three little tornadoes following me and immediately undoing what I've just done. The only problem was that they were not sleeping up there. there was crying, playing, stalling, and about the time they quieted down I sighed relief thinking "finally they gave up"
If only.
About an hour after the quiet happened, Max graces us with his presence and was unusually shiny, and smelling faintly of lavender. Upon further investigation he had gotten into a 13oz container of Vaseline. I open his bedroom door and see the greasy head of his accomplice pop over the rail of his crib. It was like discovering a murder scene with the smeared hand prints on the walls, sheets, windows and finally the fine thick gooey smudge on he floor.
This product of shenanigan-ism took me an hour to clean up. The more I looked, the more I found. As for the boys, I'm sure they are plotting their next act.
(sorry for the poor pic quality and the foot)
I don't know if it is that he has gotten a little older and "wiser" or maybe the mischief has just caught up with my little cautious one, but wow! when he does it, he does it all the way. He is smart about it too! He waits for the times when I expect it to be quiet. Nap time.
The first act of nap time mischief was when he quietly found himself in the hallway getting into a box of "things to be put away" and found some anti-itch cream, egg dying kit, and cotton balls. Thankfully he didn't do anything with the dye, but the stickers were fun and the cream felt nice on his cheeks, and what would it be without a pretty cloud of fluffy white while exploring this box?
The second act, again at nap time, was when he came down stairs with lotion all over his body. He was very smooth and soft that day. This is when he discovered he could climb on top of his trash can and access the treasures on top of the changing table.
Then there was the time he came down powdery white from the baby powder. This was the day he started goin all in with his messes. If we're gonna dump the powder...it's going to be ALL of the powder!! His room was a beautiful winter wonderland! and smelled like a fresh baby's toosh for about a week! This is also when Titus started getting involved in the shenanigans.
The latest and greatest and the tip of the iceberg for finally deciding to take all of these items OUT of his room, was just yesterday. I was having a bit of a battle with the kids anyway in cleaning. I would clean a spot, turn around and something else would be dumped out. I'd get them all settled with their lunch, turn to grab mine off the counter and find mac n cheese thrown on the floor (Titus). I'd had about enough, and was all to grateful for that nap time break where I could finally get some work done uninterrupted and without three little tornadoes following me and immediately undoing what I've just done. The only problem was that they were not sleeping up there. there was crying, playing, stalling, and about the time they quieted down I sighed relief thinking "finally they gave up"
If only.
About an hour after the quiet happened, Max graces us with his presence and was unusually shiny, and smelling faintly of lavender. Upon further investigation he had gotten into a 13oz container of Vaseline. I open his bedroom door and see the greasy head of his accomplice pop over the rail of his crib. It was like discovering a murder scene with the smeared hand prints on the walls, sheets, windows and finally the fine thick gooey smudge on he floor.
This product of shenanigan-ism took me an hour to clean up. The more I looked, the more I found. As for the boys, I'm sure they are plotting their next act.
(sorry for the poor pic quality and the foot)
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Just Another Day Getting to Know More Emergency Medical People
I knew from the day Titus entered this world, that we were going to have some fun and get to know the local Fire Department and ER staff very well. Call it a gut feeling. After all, the first person he HAD to meet was a Fire Fighter.
What I didn't expect was for the fun to start so early. I mean come on we're not even a year old yet!
We spent the day at the hospital yesterday because Mr. Daredevil decided to launch himself into a back flip 3 feet off the ground (from our bed) and into a perfect face plant the floor. Is this the first fall? Ha! NOT A CHANCE! But it is the first time we've lost consciousness. He cried immediately but as a delayed reaction, passed out. At first I was like, oh he must have been pretty tired...because he kind of snuggled into it. But after he was out for a few seconds I thought..."hold the phone! He did just do a face plant off the bed" (insert serious concern here, and the big "duh").
I really struggle with "when to call 9-1-1". I feel like those calls are reserved for fires, shootings, car accidents, having babies unexpectedly at home...:) but really, my kid falling off the bed??? What would I do with the other two kids? I'd have to go to the hospital with Ti, and I don't think there's room for everyone in the ambulance, and really, is it that bad???
So I call Adam.
"So, Ti fell off the bed and now he's asleep on our bed..." (good lord writing that makes me realize how idiotic I must have sounded..."Yes, moron! wake him up!")
Adam very seriously says "Wake him up" (I know, you can say it..."Dur, Bec")
I sit him up...no response. I lay him down and poke him, open his eyes and shine a flashlight (he responded with that but not until after a few times of doing it, but wouldn't fully wake up) then I drive my knuckle into his chest...to which he finally gets the wiggles and starts giggling...I guess it tickled more than it hurt..either way the boy was responding and that's what I needed. By now, I have Max "helping" me by shining the flashlight in everyone's face and trying to wrestle Ti. Of course Ti rolls over and starts wrestling back and we're alert, happy, giggling,yelling, and just as rambunctious as ever...as if being in and out of consciousness (for almost 5 minutes) never happened.
I decide to call the doctor to see if there's anything I need to do. At this point he's totally acting normal again. I was put on hold a LOT by the nurses...they'd get some details, put on hold to discuss with the other nurse, more details, more on hold. Finally she comes back on after the third of fourth time of being on hold and says that she also discussed this with our doctor and we need to head to the ER right away.
I call Adam back and he decides to meet me there.
Three hours, a CT and physical exam later, we were in the clear to go home. He suffered a minor concussion, but the CT came back all clear. He is totally fine. PRAISE GOD!
I do fear that this is just the start of many many many trips to the ER. He just doesn't slow down, and heads straight for the most dangerous stuff! I feel like, with Ti being number 3 and all, that I should have a better handle on this. especially since he's not the first boy either. Nope. Max is totally different and my heart goes out to the Moms of several rambunctious, fearless boys. Hats off to you! Can I join your club!? I have a feeling I could learn a few things.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Ms Hannigan Strikes Again!
Originally from 11-15-2011
So after having to discipline Abigail for one thing or
another. You know that daily Naptime tantrum?
They couldn’t possibly get their rest without it. We were having one of
those moments. After I was able to get her to calm down, take a few breaths,
stop screaming, and FOCUS!...I explained to her, why she had to be disciplined.
I really thought I was getting somewhere, she was looking at me in eye, face
serious, focused on my words with an occasional nod. When I was through talking
she replies in stone cold serious tone :
“I just have to call you Miss Panigan.”
(knowing she is referring to Ms. Hannigan from Annie) I say:
“Okay. But why Ms. Hannigan?”
“Because she is mean! And the bad guy.” Tears welling up
in her big blue eyes, she blinks them away.
“I’m sorry you feel that way about Mommy, but if that is
what you need to do. That is okay. “
She looks at me and with a little tear…she calmly says ,
“Ms. Hannigan.”
I take a deep breath. Accepting my “insult” and walk out the
door. As I shut it I hear:
“And I had to call you a blabber head too because
you’re just mean!” and then she shoves her head in her pillow and covers her
She never said “Blabber head” out loud. Maybe she was just
thinking it!?
And to that I just shut the door calmly and left her for her
nap. Shoulders sagging just a little
Now normally I wouldn’t allow her to get away with calling
me names or talking to me this way. But I decided to choose my battles. Not to
mention that in this conversation, I got a few things.
She communicated with me…she told me how she was feeling and
how she felt about me in the situation we were in. It wasn’t very nice, but she was being honest
and taking a risk with it. I wanted her to see that she can come to me with her
emotions, her frustrations, and communicate them to me without fearing getting
into trouble with what she has to say.
We kind of struggle with that already, “use your words…don’t just get
frustrated and start screaming…talk to me” and she did.
She has self control…she really does, because she stayed
calm through the whole conversation. She was trying very hard to control her
emotions. While her words weren’t
exactly “nice” we can work on that later.
I think God has a great way of working through things too. I
saw in myself, my own self control. And hearing her “name calling” and
explaining to me why…I had a moment to reflect on how I really was talking to
her and treating her. Yes I did the right thing with disciplining her and I
wasn’t “sorry” for that, there is just some behavior that will not be
tolerated, but I can look at other moments in the day where I might be a little
hard on her, or overreacting to something that just isn’t necessary. Maybe
sometimes I do look or sound like Ms Hannigan to her. At least she knows she
can communicate that to me now.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
To Start
I've been wanting to start a blog. I don't know if it was more because "everyone else is doing it" or if it is just simply because I find peace in putting my thoughts into words. I used to write in a journal, but after having kids it seems impossible to find the time to just sit and write...and yet, here I am starting a blog. Hmmm. We'll see how this turns out.
I have actually been "blogging" for a while now. If you count opening up Word and typing some thoughts down, with the intention of actually creating some place to post for "all to read". What are my expectations from this? I don't know. I don't know that anyone will even care to follow me. But I figure this is a good way to document my life. What crazy mad things go on my home with three kids that have huge imaginations and personalities that just about match the amount of energy that seems to just pour out of their little bodies.
I guess I should start with introducing the family...we have
Adam - Daddy Moreland- He really is the brains of this outfit and my true love.
Becca (ME!)- Momma Moreland- Well, I'm the Mom, what more can I say.
Abigail - Big Sister -Princess, Ballerina, She lives to dance, and her style is one of a kind. This kid is FULL of spunk!
Maxwell - Big Brother- Super Heroes, Monster Trucks...This is an all around BOY!
Titus - Little Brother, Pest -really he just wants to be part of it all, really really bad.
That is it for now. I say "for now" because we are so open to having more kids. I know, I know, you're probably thinking "Are you serious?" and yes. yes I am. I am leaving the number of kids we have up to God. He will be deciding when we are "done".
So that's the clan...every day is an adventure and so full of surprises, and I can't thank God enough for the madness that happens in our life.
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